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Announcing the Girls Advisory Council!

Posted 20 April 2018 in EMpower News   |   Share


Girls in India have a lot to say. At EMpower, we’re listening.

EMpower is proud to announce the launch of a new initiative, the Girls Advisory Council! The Girls Advisory Council is a group of 16 adolescent girl leaders selected by EMpower’s grantee partner organizations in India to advise on EMpower’s grantmaking strategy in India.

One girl from each of EMpower’s grantee partner organizations in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh was nominated to participate. The Council, as well as staff representatives from their organizations, will convene to inform EMpower’s strategy in India in 2019 - 2021, bringing girls’ voices purposefully into our decision-making.

Do you know what kind of education adolescent girls want in India? How safe they feel?.. It’s time we hand over the mic to girls.

EMpower believes strongly in empowering adolescent girls to create positive change in their lives and across communities. We can’t wait to introduce you to the girl Council leaders, very soon!

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