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Girls Advisory Council Grants Initiative Winners Announced!

Posted 17 August 2018 in EMpower News   |   Share

We are thrilled to announce the winners of a unique award initiative for our grantee partners in India!

Following the launch of EMpower’s Girl’s Advisory Council in India, the Council met in New Delhi to discuss EMpower’s strategy, and identified 12 key themes. Guided by these themes, we launched an award initiative and asked grantee partners to create an innovative proposal for a pilot program to address at least one of the 12 themes. The Girls Advisory Council representatives worked with their organisations to conceive and draft a proposal for the opportunity to win a grant of $7,000 based on one of the key themes identified. The proposals received were reviewed by the Girls Advisory Council, EMpower Staff, and EMpower supporters after which the results were collated and winners identified.

We are excited to announce that the winners of the initiative are:

- CORO: Key theme “Working with Boys”. They will be working with 50-60 boys to address social norms among men that result in gender based violence.

- Jan Sahas: Key themes ”Engaging with Parents” and “Connecting Girls to Government Schemes”. They will hold parental engagement meetings to speak about their work and hold individual counselling with girls and their parents, conduct workshops on government schemes and facilitating girls’ access to these schemes.

- Vacha Trust: Key theme ”Engaging with Alumni / Alumni as Trainers” by working with 5-6 alumni across 11 communities who will assume leadership for their community programs.

- CREA: Key theme 12 “Gender Based Violence” by training 10 change-makers to work with 625 girls in 5 communities on the issue of gender based violence through workshops on gender, violence, self-defense, the law in relation to the Indian Penal code, Marriage Acts in India, and Land and Property Rights.

Congratulations to our 4 grantee partners! These pilots will be run from September 2018 - February 2019 and the results will feed into our next Girls Advisory Council convening in April 2019, where the Girls will be instrumental in helping us craft our India Strategy for 2019-2022. A huge thank you to the Girls Advisory Council for their dedication to improving EMpower’s work in India, and to our supporters who participated in the review process!

Find out more about the GAC’s 12 key themes here!

The Girls’ Advisory Council pushes forward EMpower’s commitment to empowering girls to be the leaders and experts in changing their lives, communities and beyond.

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