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New Grants Approved in the US Grants Meeting in New York City!

Posted 20 June 2017 in EMpower News   |   Share

During EMpower’s Grants Meeting in New York on June 7th, $285,000 in 7 grants were approved, with an additional $80,000 in 1 grant that will be awarded in FY18. EMpower Board Directors and donors were both in attendance and participating remotely, and thoughtful questions prompted good discussion of the proposed grants and how our grantee partners’ work impacts their larger communities and the lives of at-risk youth.

Approved grants were awarded to grantee partners: Ayder (Turkey), Big Change (Russia), NEWIG (Ghana), Songtaba (Ghana), Noyed (Ghana), Urban Agriculture Network (Urbanet) (Ghana), Cauce Ciudadano A.C. (Mexico) and Asociación Aurora Vivar (AAV) (Peru).

Thank you to all EMpower donors for making this support possible!

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