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NEWIG graduates 15 ladies in Building and Construction program

Posted 03 July 2019 in EMpower News, Grantee Partner News   |   Share


Congratulations to the fifteen young women who graduated from an 8-month intensive course dubbed ‘Young Women in Building Construction’ on 27th June, 2019!

This initiative was powered by our grantee partner Network of Women In Growth (NEWIG), Ghana. EMpower’s grant to NEWIG is part of our work supporting nontraditional
livelihood projects that give young women the skills and the opportunity to find employment in sectors traditionally not accessible to them.

NEWIG was established in 2002 and remains one of the few organizations in Ghana focusing on advancing women’s rights and raising the status of women in the social, political and economic life of the country. NEWIG believes that advocacy for women’s rights is not enough and that any effort to change women’s lives should involve practical steps to advance women economically. Over the years, NEWIG has trained thousands of women in setting up or developing their businesses.

For more information on NEWIG, click here.

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