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Shattering Stereotypes

Posted 04 January 2016 in EMpower News   |   Share


Shattering Stereotypes, an EMpower-organized Learning Exchange on Nontraditional Job Paths for Young Women was held in New York for global grantee partners!

Nontraditional income generation refers to jobs typically “reserved” for males, such as construction or taxi driving. It can also refer to new, not-yet gendered fields such as technology. Young females have the highest rates of unemployment globally, and jobs traditionally associated with women pay less. Nontraditional positions generally provide higher pay, better benefits, more job security and improved long-term career potential. Breaking barriers into nontraditional job paths can be life-changing for women and girls, and their families.

In the 4 days of the Learning Exchange, organized by EMpower, experts from 9 community-based organizations from 6 countries came together. They explored the many obstacles a girl must overcome in her home and community as she “walks along the path” seeking new opportunities by using an EMpower-created tool called the “Girl Path.” A girl must deal with her own fears and aspirations, and with family pressures such as to marry early or the belief that girls do not need an education. 

The organizations are working to challenge perceptions that limit girls and open new opportunities for women and girls to have more secure futures through nontraditional jobs. Participants included Asociación Aurora Vivar (Peru), Asociación Kallpa, (Peru), Action Center for City Development (Vietnam), Azad Foundation (India), CEDECUR (Colombia), Fundación Cruzada Patagónica (Argentina), Jabala Action Research Organization (India), Lend-A-Hand India (India) and Saath Charitable Trust (India).

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